Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Interview: Nico Santos Miriam Shor on te High Evolutionary
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 has taken the world by storm. James Gunn returns to the MCU for one last ride with our lovable misfits as they fight against a new villain, the High Evolutionary. One of the many highlights of the film is its sense of scale. The sets, the characters, and the threats are massive. Yet, the film never loses sight of what hits us the hardest: the emotional weight we carry on this journey. Speaking with actors Miriam Shor (Recorder Vim) and Nico Santos (Recorder Theel), they shed light on just how grand the stage was for Gunns final MCU project. Working as two of High Evolutionarys right hands, the actors play a pivotal role in the film and detail some of the movies defining moments. The two spoke about the differences between a Marvel Studios production and their previous experiences, as well as working with Chris Pratt (StarLord) and Chukwudi Iwuji (High Evolutionary). , GuardiansoftheGalaxy3, NicoSantos, MiriamShor For interviews, movie reviews, and more vi