Zen The Art of Fujifilm Film Simulations, The deep science of matching to film stocks
Ever since the world launched into digital photography, we ve continually held those images to our only other standard film stock. While digital photography has its obvious advantages, image makers are always on the hunt for a nostalgic or analogue feel. Fujifilm offers what is by far, the closest thing to matching to photographic film. In this video we not only break down each film simulation, its properties, and histories but also the science of matching to film. Why we can and can t match to certain films. TOPIC GUIDE WEB LINKS: 00:00 INTRO 04:47 VIDEO TOPICS OVERVIEW 05:28 THE SCIENCE OF FILM SIMULATIONS 09:20 FUJIFILM SIMULATIONS BREAKDOWN 20:09 CUSTOM FILM SIMULATIONS LINKS: Imaging Resource Article: Pushing Film YouTube Channel (Pro 400H Video): Fuji X Weekly: Fuji X Weekly YouTube: Chemistry and the Black and White Photographic Process: , fujifilm, filmsimulation, tutorial