Bronze Arrowheads vs the Iron Gate Testing Early Scythian Archery Gear used in an Ancient Siege
Gábor V. Szabó (1) and the Hungarian Historical Archery Society (2) 1 Eötvös Lóránd University, Department Archaeology of Prehistoric and Early Times (Hungary) 2 (Hungary) One of northeastern Hungarys most extensive prehistoric archaeological sites, a fortified settlement on the hilltop of DédestapolcsányVerebcebérc in the Bükk Mountains enchanted several generations of archaeologists. As the most surprising result of the past researches, 234 characteristic early Scythian period (9th8th century B. C. ) bronze arrowheads were found at the socalled Iron Gate fortification that protects the settlement from the south. The concentration of the arrowheads clearly indicates that the settlement was attacked. A tower or bastion may have stood on the rampart here and the task of the archers was to capture this or keep the defenders occupied. A significant portion of the arrowheads were damaged or broken, i