Paint It Black ( Rolling Stones. album Aftermath 1966) 2024 Harp Twins + Volfgang Twins
Paint It Black (Rolling Stones) Harp Twins + VolfgangTwins Music Produced by Harp Twins and Volfgang Twins Music Mixed and Mastered by Kevin Bartlett Video Edited by Harp Twins Costuming by Harp Twins and Volfgang Twins Viking War Cuffs (Harp Twins) by Lykos Leather: Unauthorized use or duplication of this recording, arrangement or video is prohibited. Paint It Black performed by Harp Twins and Volfgang Twins Video filmed by Diane Carlson (Harp Twins mom) , Harp Twins 785 тыс. подписчиков на утубе 1 716 782 просмотра с 13012024по 25042024