DIY Gaming Desk for 45, Built in cable management desk setup, with Basic Tools Only
, diydesk, gamingdesk, computerdesk Step by step guide of DIY Desk, that s both a Computer table, Gaming Desk a perfect Working Desk setup, Easy to make at home, cheap and affordable, just under 45 to 50. its a 8 feet long, lightweight, yet very Rigid Desk, with built in Cable management tray, box, that is built by only Basic household tools, no special tools no power tools, cutter etc. besides only a simply drill machine. Purpose is to DIY build with basic tools only, so everyone can build it at home Easily. Materials and dimensions are shown in the process at the end part of the video. i hope you guys will like this video and join the journey of setting up Gaming setups, diy projects review unique tech. Material: 8 pieces of Pine, White wood 1x2s by 10 feet Cheap Laminated MDF board 96 inch by 30 inches Wood screws 2 inch 5, 8 x 6 Putty, wood filler