DARK AMBIENT MUSIC, Sekhmet Goddess of War and Healing
Sekhmet is an ancient Egyptian goddess associated with war, destruction, and healing. Often depicted as a lionessheaded woman, she embodies the ferocity and power of a lion. Sekhmet is both a fearsome warrior and a benevolent healer, representing the duality of destruction and restoration in the natural world This episode of Rest for the Wicked features Dark Ambient Music with an ethnic twist. , darkambient, darkambientmusic, darkambientmusic, egyptiangods, mythology, ancientegypt, darkmusic, musicforsleep, musicforstudying, sekhmet, anubis, mysterymusic, studymusic, meditationmusic, musicforsleep, mystery, ancientreligion, ancientegypt, music Dark Ambient Music Playlists Dark Ambient Music based on Mythology: Dark Ambient Music based on Historical Mysteries: Dark Ambient Music based on Fiction: