NES Mania Live Guitar Covers from Classic NES, Famicom, Dendy Games by Anton Ginger Red
Our team presents to you its new work within the NES Mania project Live in 2020 3 old + 1 new track. Stay tuned for some exciting surprises and pleasant emotions coming your way Thank you for following us and watching our videos The video was recorded on by You can support us with a donation through QIWI You can also follow us on social media for more updates and news. Timeline 01:30, Choujin Sentai Jetman Suite 13:22, Double Dragon 3 Suite 20:05, Darkwing Duck Suite 25:20, TMNT 3 Suite Authors Hiroyuki Iwatsukitaru, Kazuhiko Sotoyama (Jetman) Akira Inoue, Takaro Nozaki, Michiya Hirasawa, Yoshihiro Kameoka (Double Dragon 3) Yasuaki Fujita (Darkwing Duck) Yuichi Sakakura, Tomoya Tomita, Kozo Nakamura (TMNT 3) Arrangement Anton Ginger Red Korovkin Players Anton Ginger