Peter Steele on Divinity ( Type O Negative, Anesthesia, Second Chances, Children Facing the Future)
This is Peter Steele of Type O Negative at the top of his game. With humor, intelligence and deep reflection Mr. Steele explains life, addiction, the state of society, risks to children and redemption. Peter has been called home and I believe is resting at peace. We can learn from him in this interview, and in that he is here as a Guardian Angel. Have faith that when bad things happen to you, I belief in an after life, it is better to suffer here on Earth than what awaits you. That is why I pray for pain, and I get it. I Peter Steele Treat each other the way you would like to be Peter Steele Watch out for the three wings and three ism s: Left wing, Right wing, Chicken wing, Communism, Fascism, Botulism. Or else it is free salmonella for (With acknowledgment to fair use of interview from October 24, 2009 and the band for a live performance of Anesthesia. Study the lyrics and them interpret them based up