The Jubalaires Noah ( Rare Performance in 4 K) 1946
1940 s, 1950 s American Gospel group The Jubalaires performing Noah, newly remastered. In a rare performance, seen here is The Jubalaires 1940s era consisting of John Jennings, Orville Brooks, George McFadden and Ted Brooks. The video footage captured of Noah was originally a soundie sourced from the Prelinger Archive. Soundies were early forms of modern music videos. Created before television was widespread, soundies played on small screens run from 16mm film projectors almost like a video jukebox featuring some of the top artists of the day. The 1940s and 1950s vocal quartet The Jubalaires were thankfully captured in this 1946 soundie performing Noah, newly restored in HD with slight AI interpretation and audio enhancements applied. Please let us know what you think in the comments below The Jubalaires Noah Lyrics: Well it s oh oh Noah Oh oh Noah Oh OH oh Noah God s gonna ride on the wind tide Well