4 K Scenic Drive in Côte d Azur ( French Riviera) Menton Monaco A8
Côte d Azur (French Riviera) is the coastline of southeast France and one of European most famous resort areas. The drive starts near the border of Italy and visits Manton and Monaco then gets on the Autoroute A8 to the No. 48 exit. The initial plan was to travel along the coast to Nice after getting Crit Air (air quality certificate). Still, due to the riots, I refrained from entering the city area and changed to via the highway. Google Maps route: 00:00 Menton to France, Monaco border 22:48 Monaco to Turbie Toll Gate, A8 44:42 Turbie Toll Gate to Exit, A8 Related video Date: 2023, 7, 10 Camera: GH6 + HSA12035 Music: Swans In Flight Asher Fulero from YouTube Audio Library