Award Winning CGI 3 D Animated Short Film: Darrel by Marc Briones Alan Carabantes
Award Winning CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Darrel Short Film by Marc Briones Alan Carabantes. Featured on Darrel Animated Short Film: Exchange of glances in the subway. How many opportunities have you let slip Darrel will do everything possible to not let escape this one. Directed by Marc Briones Alan Carabantes. Darrel Team: Marc Briones, Alan Carabantes, Nacho Maure, Marc Alloza. We are using for all the production the open source software. Blender: Modeling, Animation, Rendering, Editing. Natron : Compositing. SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content Watch More CGI VFX Animated Short Films: VFX Breakdowns, Making of Behind the Scene: FOLLOW US: Website: