Queen Untitled Hidden Track, 13, HD, HQ (from Made in Heaven album)
I don t mean to infringe anyone s copyright and I will immediately remove this video if the copyright holder has any objections. The 13th untitled hidden track from the Queen album Made In Heaven, length 22:32, 22:33. It was created by David Richards, Brian, and Roger as a sound collage, to signify what Freddie s ascent to Heaven might have been like. At least, this is how the far more spiritual fans interpret it; David merely explained, This was started by me having fun with the ASR10 sampler. I took the opening chords of It s A Beautiful Day and made them loop forever. Then I added some of Freddie talking through strange echoes. Brian and Roger heard it and came in to add some effects of their own and we thought of it as a surreal Requiem. It was the end of the album and we all were feeling very This piece, deemed a hidden track, was unofficially titled Track 13. The more astute fans will note that there are only eleven true songs on the album;