Elena Sam, , TVD + SPN, , Echo, , Crossover :)
SUPERNATURAL THE VAMPIRE DIARIES it s Sam Winchester and Elena Gilbert. storyline: Both meet each other, they get to know each other and then they fall in love. But they aren t always happy, and there s often a cause for a conflict. Then one day Elena finds out, that Sam is still hunting and looking for a demon, even though he promised he won t do something like that anymore. They have a big fight, and Sam leaves Elena. Later he calls her, anyway. But she doesn t want to talk to him. In this night, Elena wakes up because she heard a strange noise in her house. She wants to know what it was, but then she realized a man standing in the house. She tries to escape, but he takes her away. Meanwhile Sam has a vision of her death. He s trying to rescue her, but it s too late. When Sam arrives, she s already dead. At the end he s at her funeral, and he regrets that he let her