Ukrainian Mum Plays Piano in Home Ruined by Bomb, , Dogtooth Media
This is the heartwrenching moment a Ukrainian mum briefly forgot the worries of war by playing piano in her home blasted by a Russian bomb drawing comparisons to classic war movie The Pianist. Irina Maniukina had rushed home from the local market after hearing her 16yearold daughter Karina Maniukina survived a missile being dropped onto their street on Saturday MARCH 5. Their home in Bila Tserkva, Kyiv Oblast, central Ukraine, was left half in ruins, with doors and glass strewn across the floor and even the remains of a fire that raged from 23yearold son Anton Maniukina s room. To license or use this video please email or call: +44 (0)161 697 4266 Connect with Dogtooth Media Facebook YouTube Submit your videos