MHRise PC, After youve killed 1000 Valstrax
What do you need more when you have a Long Sword and a Small Barrel Bomb A professional bomb thrower obviously Using the Iai Spirit Slash on the Small Barrel Bomb explosion allows us to level up the Spirit Gauge and deal a lot of damage at the same time by following it up with a Helm Breaker. We play with 3 Long Sword players in sync so even with this EventQuest Super Valstrax with more than 66K HP we stand on top of the food chain. The making of the Triple Apex and Super Valstrax speedrun is planned. Thanks for your support Hope you enjoy the run Thanks to Yurim and Fu for teaming up with us: Yurim: Fu: Team Darkside: Patreon: Discord: Twitch: Twitter: Twitter: Twitter: Music YuGiOh Master Duel