Perfect CNY Recipe Scallops Spinach Tofu in Salted Egg Yolk Sauce 咸蛋黄酱香脆扇贝菠菜豆腐 Chinese Recipe
Chinese families will gather for a reunion dinner on the eve of Chinese New Year to celebrate the arrival of spring and the beginning of a new year according to the Chinese lunar calendar. Our dinner will usually be more extravagant than usual at this time of year. We think this Scallops Spinach Tofu in Salted Egg Yolk Sauce recipe, which we fondly named it House of Prosperity 金玉满堂, is perfect for your reunion dinner because it is both beautiful and delicious. Add this dish to your Chinese reunion dinner menu and your family will be blown away by your culinary prowess. We ve used Knorr Golden Salted Egg Powder and Knorr SavorRich Chicken Concentrated Seasoning in this recipe to show how simple and useful they are to have in your pantry. Made with real egg yolks, Knorr Golden Salted Egg Powder is highly versatile and perfect for stirfry and gravy salted egg dishes. You can use them whenever you want and you don t need to take additional steps to prepare salted egg yolks. Knorr SavorRich Chicken Concentrate