The Great Dictator Speech ( Charlie Chaplin) Inception Soundtrack Time ( Hans Zimmer)
First, I want to thank Charlie Chaplin for his magnificent performance here, his mimic and gestures are simply overwhelming. I want to thank everyone who was involved in creating this movie, and especially this timeless, brilliant and heartrending final speech (70 years ago ). Second, I want to thank Hans Zimmer for this beautiful and epic song. A song that brings tears to my eyes and a smile on my face at the same time, everytime I listen to it. Finally, I am thankful for the very moment I had the idea to combine these two masterpieces of art. Together they conjure hope to my mind, courage to my heart. There are no cuts. Speech and song just fit great together. I only decreased the volume of the music a bit in the later parts so it does not cover the speech that much, as some of you noted. My favorite moment is at 2:30, the camera zooms on Chaplin s but in all men, in you You, the people have the power The power to create machines, the power t br, br,