Dawn of War 3 Ork Waaagh Banner Music Extended WAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH
Purchase here: I wasn t satisfied with the length of the DoW 3 Ork Waaagh Banner music so I made a longer So before 2018 comes, I thought it would be nice to upload this :D Huge thanks to Eliphas for transcribing that bit for me I m not good with music. Be my Patron and get weekly exclusive songs If you just want to help me out directly, feel free to do so here. Though I assure you that your generosity will not go unrewarded SPECIAL THANKS TO MY PATRONS Graywalker Nimble Glance JMRKato Mrburgerdon Joerg Meyer Alfabusa Alex Daniel Barker Fujishawa Hean Ryden Grames Uneven Frostgun Rami Sihvo Taylor Tilbury Jakub Zychma Cimbri Alex Kaiser A itpony Daeyoon Kang jhduelmaster Kampfywagen Niklas Reindl Acheron James K. Dread CasketCase Tad Stewart Rachel Coleman