Snuff Out the Light Kingdom of the Sun ( Fan Reconstruction Storyboard)
All rough animation segments are from the documentary The Sweatbox and all audio belongs to Disney. I only own my own rough artwork dispersed inbetween. A fanmade amateur reconstruction of Yzma s musical number from The Emperor s New Groove s original predecessor Kingdom of the I worked with what little we know of several iterations of the plot, to weave together something as multifaceted as I could. Respect to Eartha Kitt, whose performance in this recording is incredible. I moved a couple of the roughanimated segments from Sweatbox around a little, because I think they were intended to go somewhere else but were cut together to just give us something to look at in the documentary. I could be wrong and have put them in the wrong place. I didn t know where to put the yzma vanishing one, so that s probably out of place. :) Hope you enjoy