Muskogee police vs Jason Williams Controversial Walmart Arrest
, WalmartArrest, MuskogeePoliceofficer, JasonWilliamswaltmart Skip to 3:55 for the impatients. The following presentation is in reference to the Walmart incident that occurred on December 28th involving Muskogee Police Officers and Jason Williams. All details in the video. Disclaimer: This video is NOT intended to be violent or glorify violence in any way. We are sharing the footage STRICTLY for the purposes of news reporting and educating. If you like watching my videos then you could toss me a 1 or 2 or more onetime tip if you want at to help me become fanfunded and give me a push to encourage me to go on because YouTube is screwing me by demonetizing some of my videos since they claim theyre too graphic, not advertising Friendly or age restricted, copyrighted That would help me to be less restrictive in the videos I Publish. Anyway thanks for choosing my channel, I appreciate and I m really proud of the interest you guys give to Vide