Conscious Heart Solutions with Aida Farhat Zachary Fisher 7 11 22
Conscious Heart Solutions with Aida Farhat Zachary Fisher 71122 Live Thursday 7PM EST on Soma Fusion Media Special Guest: Zachary Fisher Topic: Overcoming Addiction through Spiritual development. Bio: Zachary Fisher has had multiple awakenings beginning in 2005, he has had an Ayahuasca experience that shifted his perspective of life and moved him into living a more spiritual holistic lifestyle. Zachary has overcome addiction where he has committed to his own transformation with several years clean, which has given him the opportunity to assist others in improving their lives so they too can grow spiritually. Zachary created a group on Facebook where he has 80, 000 plus followers, who also share information to bring awareness to the collective, they have become a growing soul tribe with new members joining daily. He also has a telegram account where members share common values for the betterment of humanity. He enjoys helping others to become self awar