Hebrew Marriage Free Biblical Hebrew Lesson 28
Taking a wife, or giving a daughter as a wife. Corrections: at 1:37 it should be לילה at 12:31 it should be בידה at 18:17 it should be לו Visit to read lesson scripts, find grammar explanations, a vocabulary list, learning schedule, and much more. Make more videos like this possible at Take a quiz on this lesson at Follow us on Instagram for fun Hebrew reading practice at an easyintermediate level and on Facebook for occasional announcements and extras Film clips from: The Ten Commandments (1956) The Bible Collection: Genesis, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Joseph, David, Jesus The Bible Miniseries (2013) Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014) Boaz and Ruth photo from Berg Productions Inc. used with permission. Priest illustrations copyright Sweet Publishing and licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike 3. 0 Unported license.