If SHE didnt film This, You wouldnt have believed Wont Believe This)
In this video, the ancient craft of witchraft including occultic practices clossly related to it are exposed. We ll see how almost every female person who is popular is activley praciting it or is in one way on another tied to it. Angela Ucci, Mike signorelli, naela rose, john bevere, vald savchuk, beyonce, vanessa hudgens, taylor swift, jayz, ariana grande, exposing the occult, exposing witchcraft, and many Macarthur and Paul washer are not featured as usual. Channel memberships are up. Join to become a member, You can alternatively support the channel here also: Patreon: Subscribe here: The mission here at Fervent for Jesus is to spread the Gospel of Jesus as I build this community of believers so that we can have fellowship together. I feature current events that are happening in the world as I try to point to JESUS, IN THIS WO