Final Dance Capital Drift 2022 Goodbye Western Speedway
Western Speedway is one of the oldest operating race tracks in North America. Likely by the time you re reading this it s gone. Although it s been home to thousands and thousands of drivers, few realized it was home of the best drift scene on the planet. In my 19 years of drifting across 5 different countries, nothing was like Capital Drift at Western Speedway. There was no where else you could get 8 hours of seat time for 70cad in a safe and controlled environment with a minimal but strict entry requirement. We had few rules, but those rules were very serious. A perfect storm of an old track and new young faces mixed with a small island and luckily, a healthy good culture. This is not the video I wanted to make, it s the one I could make. I ve cried many tears, and I m unsure when the hurt will stop. This is and has been my life, my home for the past 12 years, I m already lost without it. Thank you if you ve ever come and hung out with us here. Lo