5 High Protein Lunch Ideas For Weight Loss
Follow Us On Facebook: Tools and ingredients: Olive Oil Sprayer : Pot with Tempered Glass Lid: Food Peeler: Colorful Measuring Spoons: Protein is important for keeping you full and focused, so having enough at lunch is essential during you diet. You don t want to be hungry again before the end of your workday These healthy recipes are easy, and delicious, . So here we have for you 5 high protein lunch ideas for weight loss that are great choices to keep you on track and stay full and healthy I hope you like all these easy recipes Salad niçoise with tuna 330 calories (1 serving) Ingredients 2 oz green beans, boiled 3 oz white potato cubes, boiled 2 radishes 5 grape tomatoes 2 lettuce leaves 1 egg boiled 4 o