Nacht Waffen Pilot Guest Derek Tyler 24 Sept 2022
My friend Derek Tyler came on to discuss Ufology and the state of the world today. We talked about writing on cave walls, as the foundation of today s Ufology. We talked about the ships currently in his neighborhood. We had issues with connection both on Zoom and Skype. He prefers to use an avatar instead of show his face. The video we referred to that I had thought MIGHT be a seizure. Watch it for yourself. Bio: I am a researcher, author, alien abductee and military abductee. I specialize in the topic of UFO s and alien contact. I have two books available on Alien Contact: The Difficult Truth Alien Contact: Paradigm Shift, both of which were, 1 Best Sellers. I spoke at CITD in 2019. Contact Derek: FB page: Buy his books: