WOMAN and TIME: Cayetana de Alba ( The Duchess of Alba)
Doña María del Rosario Cayetana FitzJames Stuart y de Silva, 18th Duchess of Alba de Tormes, Grandee of Spain: before and after. Biography in photos. Cayetana de Alba was the most titled and unusual woman in the history of the modern aristocracy. The 18th Duchess of Alba was married three times, twice widowed. Cayetana gave birth to six children, danced flamenco, loved corrida, rode a horse, painted. Also she was a socialite. Because of the illness Cayetana was forced to do more than sixty of plastic surgery, which turned her face into a senior mask. But this did not stop her from enjoying life and pleasing others. They put a monument in her lifetime, which obviously amused Duchess. Channel about famous women and their time. Slideshows for meditation. Only photo, only music and your time.