D. I. Y Alexander Mc Queen armadillo heels tutorial ( Lady Gaga shoes)
Instagram: emmacervin PLEASE READ THE DISCRIPTION IF YOU RE GOING TO MAKE THESE. I created these Alexander McQueen armadillo shoes, heels that celebrities like Lady Gaga has worn. This was for a project in school, and I was very stressed when I made the one in this video. (I made them at like 3am the night before our deadline; ) I know these shoes aren t for everyone, but you might get some inspiration from the video. Now, you can t really wear these but If you want to try and make a pair, I recommend that you make the heel straight (not curved like mine) and also a bit thicker, preferably in another material. I can t put any pressure, weight on the heel of the shoe, cause then I ll break the heels. Here s my super quick sketch: I drew the shape of the the heel (After i removed the acutal heel on the shoe). Then when i had the shape of the wooden heel i was going to make, i just dr