Beach Blanket Beaded Bracelet Flat Chenille Stitch Tutorial
Shop: Coupon: Eureka10 (10 off 50+, exp. 9, 31) Hey there It s Gina from In today s video I will show you how to make this brightly colored, flat chenille stitch beaded bracelet, which contains a Samaria Toggle Clasp, by Cymbal, sewn directly into the beadwork. This is the first of two tutorials that are based on the June 2021 Gina s Picks (Fun in the Sun theme), in collaboration with Eureka Crystal Beads. The rows of crystal rondelles have been arranged in a way that makes the stripes appear to be selected at random; however, I ve created a FREE download which shows exactly how the colors of rondelles are arranged, and where to sew in each side of the Samaria Toggle Clasp. For a refresher on Flat Chenille Beading Stitch, check out this beginner s tutorial: