Britney Spears, MK Ultra Meltdown
Did Britney have a MKUltra meltdown Even though she is very sad in this video, she acts pretty strange to say the least. ADDITIONAL INFO To create a MKUltra slave the victims are undergoing massivst traumatas (usually at a very young age), through various occultic rituals, elecroshocks, rape and drugs etc. The protection of a human brain will create different personalities if the trauma is too big, to protect itself. This means the victims personas under each other dont know what happened. This allows the programmer to programm these new personalities as he wishes. (Our Brain is just like a biological computer) But the brain cant sustain this illusion forever, these are the so called Melt or Breakdowns of MKUltra victims. FAIR USE NOTICE This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a Fair Use of any such copyrighted material.