Magic Vibes Black Rock City Veiw Burning Man Animalia
Epigraph: Emotions. Feelings. Life. Fire. OMG Animalia Wonderfully for real. Of course, lovely. Rich Rain was visiting Black Rock City in 2023 year. Rain started (guess on Thursday); probably stoped on I was there. Honestly, Im not Body was so exhausted, and fell down to sleep. Hurray Record: I was sleeping more then 25 hours, particularly these two rainy cool days. City was literally stack, almost. CouchBurners big solar camp. Ouch 16 of power (camp battery). Participation, dear. Wow. Spending that Night was so enjoyable, definitely interesting: Searching for energy for Art; for performance during surviving time Love you, Black Rock City; Magic happens: Please, enjoy deep music magic night session, what transformed and greeted amazing Saturday sunrise at Burning Man 2023. P. S. Playa stamp of eyes watch and love you (how did it of eyes). Always Tasty Music Ethereum: CashApp: valbrc PayPall: valfbrc Venmo: ValCherny