Level 180 Temple Guardians 35 40 buff Laras Glory Lara Croft Event Hero Wars: Dominion Era
3540 buff is too much for this low of a boss, just wait for them to make the boss easier. Leave a comment with your Hero Wars INGAME Account ID ( I need this to send you the gift in the game) YouTube is not a sponsor of this contest. By taking part in this contest you release YouTube from any liability related to this contest. Additional notes: We will draw one winner at random. Each winner will receive ONE Hero Wars ingame gift. You may leave additional comments, but do not post more than one Hero Wars ingame account ID. Privacy notice: The only personal information I need from you is your Hero Wars ingame account ID, which I will not store or use in any other way except to send the ingame gift to the winner. This will start May 13 and end May 31 Lara s Glory The Mystery of Dominion Lara Croft Temple Guardians Level Boss fight Herowars Hero Wars Dominion Era Temple Guardian Level