salvatore brothers; a brother willing to die for his brother
HD is your best friend :)) So, I finished my Salvatore brothers video. I got a lot of inspiration from the book I had been reading again :)) AUDIO: Stefan: Whatever s led him here. I am the one who made him became a vampire in the first place. Salvatore brothers. Best friends. He s my brother, Bonnie. I m sorry. For beeing the guy who made you turn 145 years ago. What I did was selfish. I didn t wanna be alone. I just needed my brother. I ll do better, I promise. Damon: No. You ll get us killed. Why should I trust you Stefan: Because I m your brother. There must be a share of humanity left inside my brother. Somewhere. Here I am, I m still alive, and there you are, you still hunting me. After 145 years. Because you fell something for her. Because you actualy care. And I m not gonna let Katherine come in here and destroy that part of you, that is finally all br, br,