Natures Rouge (1933)
Nature is a good colourgiver, and girls today have many ways of acquiring Mother Nature s complexion. One of the most popular is camping out M, S of a group of young girls sleeping outside a tent on the ground in front of some huts. Other girls appear with cups of tea to wake them up. The girls all spring up and take the cups of tea. They are possibly girl guides or brownies on a camping holiday some of them wear the same white blouse with black scarf outfit. Nothing in the rouge line can equal coldwater and an early scrub. Woman walks towards the camera carrying two buckets of water on a wooden yoke balanced on her shoulders. M, S of the girls standing at a wooden table in the open air scrubbing their faces. One girl gets her face dunked in the basin of water in front of her. And after that food M, S of girls cooking on an outdoor stove. Girl in foreground pours water into a little teapot. a bit of fun Girls stand in a line bent over touching the ground and o