Life Break + Uproar In patch 7. 32 Primal Beast got some interesting Aghs Buff. His Uproar now releases 3 waves of 2 projectiles per stack which split in two after a 1. 25s delay. Each projectile deals 100 damage to enemies and applies Break on them for 2. 5 seconds. So we got new Life Break combo you can use with Agh s. Submit your clip, Manda tu video, Предложи свой клип: Dotabuff link: , DOTA2, AbilityDraft, Xmark Hey guys, XMark here. The whole channel idea is to show you some good and sick ability draft builds and games. That s it. I just like to share with you something i found interesting and funny to play. I m not that funny or creative. I love Ability Draft and want it to live long and stay cool.