Why Fairy Ranmaru Flopped
Fairy Ranmaru Anata no Kokoro Otasuke Shimasu is the technically third magical boy anime from Studio Comet, the anime studio that brought us Cute High Earth Defense Club Love (Binan Kokou Chikyuu Boueibu LOVE ) and its spin off Happy Kiss. Yet Fairy Ranmaru despite being an altered version of that anime s magical girl parody model, is doing significantly worse than its already pretty low scored predecessor (at least on anime database sites like MyAnimeList and Anilist). What could have caused the fan labeled Jojo s meets Madoka parody series to be so ill received and is it something specific or just the usual mix of misogyny and homophobia In this video we ll explore speculation about how Fairy Ranmaru has managed to draw the ire of typically opposing groups of anime fandom, highlight everything great about the series from its manservice, canon queer relationships and representation as well as OF COURSE its inclusion of MPNs as well as peel off into a larger discussion on the tropes and elements of an