Danny Mac Askill, Fabio Wibmer, Duncan Shaw and Ali Clarkson This is Drop and Roll
In 2015, after many hours in the Drop and Roll Tour bus talking about it we decided it would be a good idea to make a parody hair metal video We had such a laugh with this, so I hope you enjoy this as much as we enjoyed filming it. Drop and Roll: , dannymacaskill, fabiowibmer, duncanshaw, aliclarkson, dropandroll, dropandrolltour Riders: Fabio Wibmer: Duncan Shaw: Ali Clarkson: Directed by: Robbie Meade, We are Peny Filmed by Robbie Meade, Paul Macdonald and Dave Mackison Still Photography by Rutger Pauw Lighting Director: Rutger Pauw Lighting Gaffer: Fraser Campbell