WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON fake moon landing totally exposed
(ultra SloMo) GUN RECOIL is gas forced into atmosphere EASY debunk rockets don t need air rockets push off air (final cut NERD video + extra experiments) Why do globe earthers use linear motion analogies BLOCKED:TheOneWith TheEyeOfTruth flypaper4weirdos FACT: SURFACE IS WAY BRIGHTER THAN THE TV MOVIE OF THE FAKE LANDINGS COMMENT HIGHLIGHTS: vhsjvc want us to believe that the moon landings never happened so he can delegitimize NASA and thus climate change first Geiger counter James Van Allen sent up blew up because it was overloaded with. ... RADIATION. When we going back to the Moon; and would you like to volunteer to fly 60k miles through that harmless radiation belt Give NASA a call, they re looking