Anthony Mackie Quotes Shakespeare While Eating Spicy Wings, Hot Ones
Anthony Mackie is a Hollywood power player you know from The Hurt Locker, Captain America, Million Dollar Baby, and many more. His latest film, Outside the Wire, is currently trending on Netflix. And he also stars in one of the year s most anticipated new shows, The Falcon The Winter Soldier, which is set to release on Disney+ March 19th. But how is he with spicy food Find out as Mackie takes on the wings of death and drops knowledge about authentic New Orleans food, the rap bonafides of William Shakespeare, and why Best Supporting Actor is the most coveted Academy Award. MAKE A DIFFERENCE BY DONATING TO COMMON THREADS, THE BRANDNEW CHARITY PARTNER OF HOT ONES: BUY HOT ONES X REEBOK COLLAB: BUY HOT ONES TRUTH OR DAB THE GAME NOW: BUY HOT ONES HOT SAUCE NOW: HOT ONES MERCH AVAILABLE NOW: SIGN