American Hegemony Gone Rogue, David Woo
The rise of American hegemony at the end of WW2 ushered in a period of unparalleled growth and prosperity for the world. However, over the Ukraine war, the Biden administration has shown itself to be more interested in protecting the American hegemony than the pursuit of peace and stability for the world. The increasingly reckless role the US is playing in the RussiaUkraine war has to be the greatest risk to the stock market in 2023. The only good news is that with Wall Street in total denial of this reality, hedging this risk is at least very cheap. Is America still a force for good What should be your hedging strategy if the Neocons driving American foreign policy right now decides to go all in A former topranked Wall Street global macro strategist tells it as it is. You may not agree with everything he says but he will make you reassess everything you thought you knew. Subscribe: Useful links: LinkedIn: Twitter: Wikipedia: . RIWIUnbound: , russiaukrainewar, stockmarketnews, biden