3 D Footed Needlepoint Cookie Box
This week, Im taking a break from all of the stenciling Ive been doing lately with my new product line to stretch my skills (and yours) with a pipingintensive project Whilst showing you how to replicate this impressive box, I describe all of the ins and outs of the needlepoint technique used to pipe the intricate gridlike patterns on the box sides. Decorated as in this video, each box side took over an hour and a half to pipe But, remember, the important thing here is to understand and master the technique; then you can pipe needlepoint on anything, including single cookies or small statement pieces that will deliver the desired aha effect in much less time Enjoy RELATED VIDEOS: How to Make Royal Icing (with Consistency Adjustments): How to Make Wafer Paper Bows: How to Make Royal Icing Roses: 3D Cookie Box and Container Playlist: RELATED T