Witch witchcraft Playlist
My instagram : Hi It s been a while I made another playlist : Witch Witchcraft PlayList I ve always liked the witches and witchcraft in movies tv shows. my favorite witch is bonnie bennett from the vampire Diaries, i liked her vibe and her style everything about her is so unique . . this playlist contains many songs that i used to listen to, and you can easily notice that most of the songs are songs of Ashely serena i hope you will like this Playlist Tracklist : 1. Ashley Serena Master Mirror 2. Ashley Serena The witche s daughter 3. S. J tucker Song of the witches 4. Victoria Carbol Queen of the castle 5. Ashely Serena Lullaby of woe 6. Karmina witch. . , A few days ago I shared a y2k playlist that i made with love and it was about 30mins but the video got blocke