White House Puts Tulsi On Quiet Eyes Watch List
Former Representative and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard has been placed onto a threat list by the TSA. Gabbard is well known for her opposition to Vice President (then Senator) Kamala Harris in the 2020 presidential primary, and for her realist foreign policy views, particularly on Syria. Beginning two weeks ago, Gabbard and her husband have found their boarding passes marked with the SSSS designation indicating that the passenger is on a threat list known as Quiet Skies that subjects passengers to lengthy random searches and tracking by air marshals. Jimmy and Americans Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the appearance on Laura Ingrahams show that likely led to Tulsis name being added to the list and what it says about our security state that a prominent politician and member of the US armed forces can be treated this way. Kurt Metzger on Twitter: Kurts website: Order today at