Sri Radha Krishna Jhulan Utsava, शरद प र ण म , Ashtavadhana Seva
The Srimad Bhagavatam says, on the full moon night of the, SharadPurnima2021 ( शरद परणम ), Lord Krishna played His enchanting flute and attracted the hearts of the most exalted devotees, the Gopis. It was on this night of Sharad Purnima that Lord Sri Krishna performed His celebrated Rasa Lila. To commemorate this sublime Lila of the Lord, ,ISKCONBangalore will be offering Astavadhaana Seva for Their Lordships Sri Radha Krishnachandra. Their Lordships will be offered various kinds of offerings filled with Vedic Chants, Dance, Music and more for Their pleasure, so we may increase our attention on the Lord and remember Him. GITA SEVA: For one who takes bath even once in the sacred waters of Bhagavadgita, the dirt of material life is altogether vanquished. Listen to the sweet recitations of Gita Seva offered by young devotees to Sri Radha Krishnachandra, on Sharad Purnima, the first day of Kartika Deepotsava month. VADYA SEVA: Lord Krishna is the Lord and spiritual master of the universe, and He is e