Hijo De La Luna The Maestro The European Pop Orchestra
This Clip: Soprano Wendy Kokkelkoren sings this wonderful song of Mecano. The title means Son of the Moon. This very touching song is a world hit. The lyrics depict a Roma woman in love with a man of the Calé tribe, who prays to the Moon to marry him because a marriage between tribes was forbidden according to Romani laws. The Moon asks for the woman s firstborn as The music and performance on the market square of Heerlen The Netherlands are wonderful. , TheMaestro, WendyKokkelkoren, HijoDeLaLuna Have a look at our beautiful live video performances from productions filmed worldwide, some of our other clips and community. Dont forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel Follow also our other channels socials at: Linktree (all social media channels): Would you like to see more from soprano Wendy Kokke