ESO v SS: Nahviintaas 5:29 120, 76 K Vampire
Patch: Markarth Guild: MOIST Hey Everyone, As this patch comes to an end as a player I have pushed myself to do as much damage as possible on the final boss fight in Sunspire. I have done this in a few ways Prebuffing Toggle on the land phases to get a higher burst. Prebuffing all my Dots before each land phase, allowing me to recast scalding rune for even more burst. Setting up for add phase properly by casting Scalding rune twice during the add phase. Thanks for Watching, if u have any questions dm me on discord my discord is: OwnLight, 0218. More Content to Come Raid Teams POV Class (Portal MagBlade) Cheel Anywhen You Say Race 6ellowfl Growing up 6ellowfl Songs aren t uploaded on YT, but here is a link to his Instagram page.