Last December, I stumbled upon a Craigslist post for a Powermatic Planer for CHEAPish, yet expensive for being completely rusted out. The seller was located just a few hours away a drive I was willing to make for a tool I knew would be worth the investment. The seller gave us the full address the day before the trip. Joke s on us because the address was located two hours further away on the border between Arkansas and Missouri. Still worth it. Once my Dad and I arrived, the seller walked us to an open air barn and presented to us a Model 100 Powermatic Planer full of rust, yet still capable of milling a board. We claimed it ours and made the trip home where I spent the next two months restoring the planer, affectionately named VASH, to its former glory. A few things before you go: We have a newsletter Follow our wood shop and studio: Our individual IG accounts: Miranda