The Kiffness Chicken Step
Dear Mom, Today I had an amazing day. Was jamming some Fifa when a benevolent benefactor dropped off a magic chickensuit at the door. I m still not quite sure who the kind sponsor is, but I nonetheless took the chicken by the goblet and suited up. Next thing I know I m jamming like a flippen ninja and hooking trumpet and drums like some kind of feral animal. Yoh. I slept so well. Downsides are: I now peck at my food and unless I have my head on I run around like a. .. well, you know. Anyways, that oke was there with the camera so he documented the whole thing so at least you know I m not talking crazy stuff. The chickensuit has since disappeared from the apartment. Perhaps its been passed on to the next lucky recipient, or its been taken back to magicchickenland, or some other explanation I haven t covered here. br, br,