Sullivan Beats Hansen (1954)
Nottingham. GV. Start of fight. Denmark s Martin Hansen with white stripe down trunks. SV. Johnny Sullivan taking the fight to Hansen but Hansen easily avoids him. Sullivan continues pressure and forces Hansen to cover up. SCU. Boxer Freddie Mills with promoter Reg King. SV. Sullivan pummelling Hansen. STV. Hansen down for count of two, they resume. Sullivan sails into Hansen punishing him about the body, but Hansen covers up cleverly. SCU. Bruce Woodcock watching fight. SV. Sullivan leaving corner. SV. Sullivan throws a right which Hansen sways away from. SV. Boxers clinching Hansen dances as he tries to break Sullivan s hold. Referee tells them to break. SCU. Mrs Reg King watching SV. Hansen forces Sullivan into corner in a grand slam finish. SCU. Tommy Farr watching. SV. Sullivan fights back. STV. End of fight, referee raises Sullivan s hand. Hansen stands surprised. Decision greeted with boo s and cheers. SV. Some of the crowd applauding. SCU. Sullivan and Hansen. (Neg. ) (Title Scene F ) FI