10 MIN HIP DIPS SIDE BOOTY WORKOUT, Fix Hip Dips Get An Hourglass Booty, Eylem Abaci
Lately I got many messages about how to fix hip dips (the inward curves found below your hips and above your thighs). The cause may be genetical, its just the shape of your pelvis. So hip dips are naturally occurring and are totally normal But if you dont like this kind of shape, you can fix the curvy appearance with certain exercises and make the sides of your booty look rounder and more even. This workout targets directly the sides of your booty (gluteus minimus + medius). You can do this routine combined with my other booty workouts regularly to get an hourglass shape within a short Intensity: Medium, Intense Recommendations: Mindmuscle connection: Make sure to THINK of your gluteal muscles while training them. You feel the burn much more if you do so. Squeeze your booty nonstop during the workout. Imagine that you are holding a paper between your butt cheeks and try to not drop this imaginary paper. :) Repeating t